
Profile - John in Boston

My hope is that I can capture my experience through the lens of … well many things, but food in particular, culture in general, and my own interest intersection of community development, ethics, and food enterprise.

About myself:  I was raised in the suburbs of the Silicon Valley, studied in the Central Valley (Davis), had my transformation in Washington, DC in my twenties, ordained into the Thai Sangha in CA and then walked for alms via a sacred pilgrimage in Isaan, Thailand during my prophet years; afterwards I served the community in the lakeside villages of East Africa, started a sustainable and organic demonstration farm there, and upon returning to the States further learned about myself in DC while in graduate school.  I have several degrees, but often wonder what they offered me since there was little time nor space to read, reflect, and learn, and it was costly — for the four years I was in Africa, I learned more from villagers and locals than all my degrees combined and I saved money while doing so.  Food for thought if you are considering a degree:  life experience learning a trade or skill may help you more than an institutional degree.

…I love the gardens, but prefer the farm.  I’m a reader and writer at heart – that’s my form of expression.  Meditation is a big part of my life, and as a Tibetan nun once told me, ‘you are in a constant state of yoga if you breathe like that‘ – so I’m trying to be a yogi too (sorry no training hours though 🙂 )  — give me Yin.

I’m also on LinkedIn.  Here’s my resume. And take a look at my new startup:  www.capitolfoodventures.com

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